Thursday, May 12, 2016

Reversing Global Warming – Possible?

Stopping and eventually reversing global warming is an important task that the human race is faced with. If global warming is allowed to continue at its current pace, we could see catastrophic consequences within our lifetimes. In the worst case scenario, nations will be forced to fight over goods usually taken for granted, like food, water, and fuel. We will also experience violent hurricanes, floods, and the loss of coastal regions and islands. Therefore, it is imperative that we fix this problem now, before it is too late.
The American government has been generally unsupportive of anti-global warming measures for years, but in the past year, opinions on the matter have began to change and Congress is pushing out meaningful legislation, such as the Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act, which has the aim of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by eighty percent in the next forty years.
Not only will fighting global warming ensure our survival, but doing so is actually good for the economy and the standard of living. Investing heavily in green, renewable technology can create millions of high-paying jobs, and allow us to easily reach our emissions goals. With the support of the Federal government and private investors, innovations are emerging constantly.
Much of the battle has to do with energy efficiency. By renovating old, inefficient buildings and installing the latest technology, efficiency can be increased by almost fifty percent. The general American public can also do its part by conserving energy at home, which is made easier by the plethora of EnergyStar products available.
One of the biggest sources of pollution is vehicles, especially large SUVs and trucks. Automobile manufacturers have become re-inspired in developing fully electric and gas-free cars, so that hopefully in the future, we will not even need traditional gas. While electric cars seem futuristic, there are actually quite a few models on the market today that run perfectly fine.
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